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Below are some useful links to guided meditations, commentaries, and exercises. Have fun discovering yourself!

Guided Meditations

Mindfulness Meditation by Anthony Strano: Click Here

One Minute Meditation commentaries

It takes just a minute to transform your world. Hear or download One Minute Meditations for Relaxation, concentration visualization, meditation, silence, sharing or connecting for adults & kids: Just a minute

Commentaries by BK Shivani

Videos on Happiness Unlimited; Soul Connection; Giving up Addiction; Depression; Self-Management, & Emotional Intelligence (English & Hindi) Sister Shivani’s Blog

The A-Z Challenge

Go from negative to positive, alphabetically. Negative habits are like a comfortable bed; it’s easy to get into but hard to get out of. To make the shift, easy and fun, here’s a collection of ideas to dip into.