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Soulful Reflection: Freedom through Forgiveness

Sunday Bhatti - Freedom through Forgiveness

Intro class students and new registrants are invited to deepen their meditation experience through a 3-part in class meditation series focusing on the freedom of letting go through the power of forgiveness.

This session is now full and registration is closed.   Please stay tuned for our fall series.

7 Responses so far.

  1. maria says:

    looking forward to being at the centre on sundays too!

  2. nalani says:

    Hi where do I o to register fr the 3 class program

  3. Rita Khan says:

    I would like to sign up for this course.

  4. marian says:

    So where do I register?

    • bmc_admin says:

      Please click on the following link to register:
      Soul Reflection: Freedom Through Forgiveness Workshop Registration

      Looking forward to seeing you.
      Om Shanti.

  5. bmc_admin says:

    I felt very peaceful and lighter during the Drishti and did not want to get up from there. I wanted to be in continuous meditation. After that I felt happiness within. Next day my soul was very happy, which experience was after a long long time. That night also I slept like a baby.

    With gratitude, love and peace,

    ~ Hema Vaswani

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